TV & Film Magazine
Update: July 17, 2007

Thanks for visiting this site, but it is no longer being updated. I've moved on over to and I invite you to join me over there from now on. Thanks for your understanding.

My Apologies

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I've been busy lately working on a new site to replace this one, in preparation for the move off of Blogger has been good to me and I have no complaints, but there's little else I can do with it other than continue what I've been doing. There simply isn't enough flexibility on this hosted platform to do what I want to do.

I have my eye on a specific domain name that should expire in July, and I'll grab that if I can. Meanwhile, I'm working on some new graphics but nothing special - I'm not graphically inclined if you will - and learning the new publishing system so that when the move is made, I can just turn it on and go. Because of that, I've been less interested in updating this site because I know it'll be a rough transition, and that I'll basically be starting over.

When the change happens, I'll make sure anyone coming to any page on this site knows where the new site is. It'll probably be a little while still, but it's coming.

Therefore, I don't expect to be able to make 7-10 posts every single day like I was doing there for a while. I'll try to maintain at least 4-7 if I can, it's hard to "get into it" when I know I'll just be leaving this site behind, and subsequently losing most of the traffic it gets today, in just a month or so.

That said, if you enjoy the news I find and the commentary I provide, stick around. The quantity is only going down because I'm working on the move, not because I'm just giving up on this new thing.
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