1. LostLost has experienced a significant decline in the ratings and has recently had its seasonal episode output reduced by almost half, while several producers have hinted that they want out after 100 episodes. With as many as eight months in between these new half-seasons, the ratings are practically guaranteed to plummet even further.
2. HeroesIt may look like a smash hit today, but so did Lost just one year ago when its second season bowed with over 20 million viewers, half of which it has already "lost". Has all of the same problems, but lives on a network (NBC) in a far more precarious position than ABC. If it drops below 10 million viewers, it may get the Lost treatment.
3. Studio 60 on the Sunset StripProbably the most anticipated drama to debut in the past decade, NBC's incessant meddling with its schedule, the terrible choice of time slot, and a lack of focus doomed it before it ever aired a single episode. Returns May 16th for late Thursday nights to finish off its first and probably only season.
4. Prison BreakCritics savaged the pilot, and I thought it was the most unsustainable, retarded idea to come out of the biz in quite a long time -- and it turned into a massive hit of outstanding quality that guarantees the first season's place amongst my box sets. Unfortunately, initial criticisms were correct. The second season was simply awful, and if they don't step up their game for season 3, it's game over.
5. American IdolThis one is pure fantasy, but we can always hope.
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